Thursday, April 4, 2013

Failures of a Wanna-Be Pinterest Mommy

As a parent, I don't just want to get it right.  I want to do a good job and be Super Mom...I want to be "Pinterest Mommy".  You know, the lady who does incredibly cute crafts and science projects with her kids, the woman who has endless creativity and the pictures to prove it.  Oh, I do the projects and I even attempt to get the pictures, but somehow my Pinterest Mommy skills end up looking like the pictures that are sarcastically captioned, “nailed it”.  

 It seems that every time I have a parenting fail, someone is quick to offer their nugget of parental wisdom. For everyone’s own good, sometimes some of that advice just has to be let go.  (Like when an older woman suggests giving whiskey to your teething baby.) There are times though, when someone gives you a word of advice so profound, it shakes your parenting to the core.  I present to you today, the top 7 parenting gems that have rocked my parenting world...and that you probably won't find on Pinterest.

1.  Dumber people have done this.
Are you the dumbest person you know?  Chances are, no.  Think of someone dumber than you who is also a parent.  Now you’re tracking with me…you can do this!  If I ever truly doubt my ability to parent, I remember this piece of advice. Dumber people have raised children.

2.  Most people don’t have memories before the age of three.
Even if you mess up pretty big, chances are they won’t even remember it!  (At least not while they’re young.)  So go ahead, practice your parenting.  You can always try again tomorrow.

3.   Never underestimate the importance of poop.
 Let’s face it, when you’re the parent of a baby, you know the time, color, and consistency of every poop for the first two weeks of your baby’s life. Our pediatrician once told us to never underestimate the importance of a baby pooping. If you have nothing else to celebrate that day, you know you’re still doing O.K. if your little one has pooped.  At the very least, you know you’ve at least kept them alive.

4 .  They won’t do _____________ forever.
For us, the blank is sleep in your bed.  As one wise woman told us, “He’ll either sleep there until it’s uncomfortable or his friends make fun of him.  Either way, I’ve never heard of a 16 year old who still sleeps with his parents. He won’t do it forever.”  So take heart, I’ve never heard of a 16 year old who still sucks on a pacifier, wets his pants, or whatever hang-up our kids have right now.

5.  Who cares as long as they’re sleeping?
Sleep is possibly the single most coveted commodity among parents.  I used to stress about the bad sleep habits I was creating with our son.  Then, I realized I was a much nicer mom when I’d had some sleep and my kids are much easier to get along with as well.  So, I took on the mantra that was passed along to me, “Who cares as long as they’re sleeping?”  Besides, they won’t do this forever.  Right?

6.  The days (and sometimes nights) are long, but the years are short.
I have never heard a parent tell me that their years as a parent to little ones went by so agonizingly slow they would never want a moment back.  I hear over and over, “Cherish this time.  It goes by too quickly.”  It does me well in the midst of a long day to look over how quickly time has already passed with my precious children and to remember that even in the midst of long days, time has flown by. 

7.  You are the parent your child needs.
It was no accident that I am Ronan and Emersyn’s mommy.  No matter how many epic fails I make as a Pinterest Mommy, my kids still need me. Even if I’m not perfect in my execution, I can teach them through my mistakes.  I can love them and be exactly who they need, their mom.

Lord, help me to be the parent my children need, and fill in the gaps where I’m not enough.

1 comment:

  1. So funny! Laughed until I cried. I think those are great parenting tips.
