Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cheese and Fine Non-Alcoholic Wine

     If you’re married with kids, especially young kids, you know that “dating” your spouse is something like an urban legend. My husband and I haven’t exactly mastered the art of dating since having children.  Had we known how elusive dating would be after our son arrived, I can say without doubt that we would have spent fewer nights in the basement watching How I Met Your Mother and more nights above ground, outside  our home. 

      It turns out that the more kids you have, the harder dating becomes.  Not only does the cost of a babysitter go up, but the energy you thought your older child was robbing from you was nothing compared to the damage that two of them can accomplish. 

As parenting and dating have gotten trickier, we have learned the importance of creative dating. Because finances, scheduling, and family-time are all important, sometimes you have to think a little outside the box in order to get a little time with your love.   I have put together a description of a few dates Jarod and I have tried out in our effort to master creative dating.  I have gotten some of my ideas from books, movies, and the internet.  One of my favorite sites for great ideas is:  Be warned, some of the dates are definitely cheesy, so you need a partner who is willing to be a good sport, but I think Jarod and I would both agree that some of most fun dates we’ve had are at home after the kids are asleep.

Secret Agent Date: Get a couple of water guns from the dollar store, make a target or flag, and leave a note with a Secret Mission statement for your date. Each of you has an allotted amount of time to hide your target. The mission is to find your partner’s target before they find yours.  The water guns are your weapon to “freeze” your partner for a specified amount of time and give you a chance to continue searching for their target.  After your mission is complete (we played several rounds), watch a movie to fit your theme.  (One of the Bond movies, Get Smart, or whatever you can think of.)  We also had mocktinis (shaken, not stirred) and Rice Crispy Treats (Snap, Crackle, Pop!)for our movie snack.  Make up your own rules and mission, but hopefully this gets your creative wheels turning.

Slumber Party for Two: Break out your Twister board, or make your own living room sized board by cutting circles from construction paper and securing them to your floor.  Go to: for a free twister caller to ensure fair play for everyone.  Add your own twist to the game by adding your own spicy rules for play.  (Please don’t make me come out and say it, my mom reads this!)  If you play the game right, you probably won’t need this next step, but you can save it for later if you want.  Break out your sleeping bags, pop some popcorn, and make a “Suicide” with your favorite sodas while watching a flick from your yesteryears.  (Might I suggest an 80s classic…) 

      Wild Wild West: Find some boots, a hat, anything to make you look like the cowboy you are and get ready for some Old West Fun.  Set up an aluminum can pyramid and use rubber bands to see who the real sharp-shooter in your house is.  Tune in to some country music and have a hoe down.  When you’re done, turn on an old western (or a modern one), open up a bottle of IBC root beer, and chow down on some jerky.

      Spa Night: Set the mood with candles, soft music, chocolate, and a fluffy robe.  Offer your date the “Full Spa Package” which includes a full body massage and, once again, my mom read this so I’ll just let you connect the dots.

      Picnic for Two: Pack a light picnic of grapes, cheese, and the finest non-alcoholic wine you can find.  (At our house, we call it grape juice.) Enjoy eating a meal together and have a full conversation without interruption. To give your date night a little more depth, you can Google “conversation starters for couples” or head over to: where they have an article full of great questions as well as links to find more.   

       Some other great ideas are star gazing, indoor camping, Mom Prom, breakfast in bed (at night), cooking together, Hide and Seek…Get creative, get planning, and set an alarm…so when you fall asleep putting the kids to bed you still have time for a date!

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