Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cupgate 2015

            Can I take a second and weigh in on Cupgate 2015? (I know!  I have no clue who coined it, but I laugh every time.) Because the World Wide Web and your Facebook newsfeed haven’t received enough voices giving their two cents on this “controversy”, it is vital I do.

            From what I understand, this debate began with a YouTube video of some guy declaring he’s tired of the war on Christmas.  (And for the love of all…if I’ve misunderstood PLEASE, I beg of you do NOT correct me.  Because as you will soon see…I don’t give a rip!)  Can we put things into perspective, please?!  I have yet to come across anyone (declared Christian or nay) who thinks Starbuck’s is lining up its corporate troops for battle to wage the war against Christmas.  So, I’m thinking this “controversy” is a very, very small percentage of people.  Meaning, it’s a lot of media hype.  Nevertheless, I will present my thoughts…

1)      First things first, do we really believe Christmas is about images of reindeer, snowflakes, ribbons, etc on a disposable cup?  Even the Grinch knew better,”And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?  It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps means a little bit more.”  So, in the case of Starbucks v Christmas, even the Grinch agrees Christmas doesn't come from a store.  Case closed.


2)      I sometimes wonder if Christians are so obsessed over their individual rights that we forget we are part of a bigger community, a global community.  And as part of a bigger community, our actions reflect on our entire family.  This man who came out (presumably claiming to be a believer…I’ve not seen the video so this is not a quote!) took it upon himself to speak for a larger majority.  In doing so, I feel he made my “family” look foolish.  Don’t misread this as never speak out.  There are certainly instances when we, as a community, need to speak out…I’ll get to that in a second.  I’ve been struck by this idea several times while reading the Old Testament.  On more than one occasion, one or a few people did something that resulted in the entire community being punished.  I’m not saying Christians are being punished and this man didn’t have anything relevant to say (though if he did, it was clearly lost on most Americans).  What I am saying is…our actions often reflect on all of us, which is a tough pill to swallow considering how often I mess up.  It’s a dangerous game to think I alone represent the Church and the entire existence and growth of it depends on me, but it’s sobering and convicting to think how many times someone may have been watching me and I represented my family poorly.  (To my family, I’m sorry.  I’m really trying! And to those who have seen my less than graceful moments, Jesus is not like that…He’s so much better!) 


3)      So, if red cups aren’t actually important (shocker, I know!) then when do we speak out?  Here’s what I know…there are much larger injustices in the world than the seasonal cup Starbuck’s releases in November.  In my community alone, there are hungry children, homeless families, refugees desperately trying to put their lives together, lonely widows, people being sold for unspeakable acts…to say there are hurting, broken people in need of love is an understatement! And we all know if it’s happening in my community, it’s happening in yours and every other village, providence, and country in the world.  These, my friends, are the things we should be speaking out about.  These issues are the ones we should be moved to declare war on…not a coffee cup.  These are the things God really cares about!  To be honest, I really hope Starbucks is served in Heaven…because I love it and because the irony would be too rich.  These are the things that God tells us over and over again is His word are the things we should be doing something about. So, Lord, I’m LOVING the chestnut praline latte right now and if you want to give it to me in a red cup when I get to Heaven, I will seriously laugh until I pee my pants and then savor each delicious sip!

My final thoughts…let’s all do ourselves a favor and take a page from the Grinch, “…and the more the Grinch thought of this whole red cup thing, the more the Grinch thought, “I must stop this whole thing! It’s only November, we must not forget, we haven’t even had Thanksgiving yet. So let’s all enjoy our Thanksgiving feast, and he, he himself will carve the roast beast.”

**This may or may not be a paraphrase/total rip-off of the Grinch.**

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